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Thursday, December 31, 2009


Reflections. We are at the end of 2009 and poised on the brink of 2010. What will it bring? Will it be different than this past year or more of the "same old, same old" ? What have we learned from 2009? And will we carry it into the next year? So many questions. I personally had a great year and am very thankful for that. I completed a huge task and stand ready for the next challenge. My family and loved ones are healthy, I have some really great friends (and have reconnected with some old and very dear ones-- thank you facebook!). I have learned that without fear, you can accomplish anything and everything! I have tried to be kinder and more loving towards all people, good or bad, nice or not. I have also learned that forgiveness is necessary for growth. So forgive yourself and forgive others, we are all so very human. Stand tall, keep it real, be sincere and respect one another and for goodness sakes SMILE!!.... Have a Happy and Blessed New Year!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas from Mo

This is another photo from my pet photography sessions that I held last week.  I am not very comfortable around birds and I was very hesitant to get my fingers anywhere near that beak of his.  But I have to say, he was a very well behaved bird and he has a great profile!  I always love these sessions because I never know who (or what) is going to show up to get photographed.  Happy Holidays!  Merry Christmas!  Take care and enjoy the days off!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Cookie Shoot

This is not my "normal" type of shoot but over the weekend I attended a lighting seminar to brainstorm ideas for an up-and-coming vegan cookie company in the bay area.  They are called Bountiful Vegan and taste like nothing you would expect from a vegan cookie.  I took some home and fed them to Kurt and the kids without telling them what the deal was and they LOVED these cookies!  Check out their website and hopefully in a few months they will be putting up some of the photos that were shot by me!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Why I love my Job

This is Damian and Peanut.  One of the my favorite "perks" about being a photographer is that I get to interact with kids and animals.  (I like grown-ups as well but they don't crack-up as much when I am acting like a goof).  I have been photographing Mr. Damian (and Peanut) since he was a new born and it always amazes me to witness the changes that have taken place over the years.  He is taller and (hard to imagine) cuter every time I see him.  Peanut, on the other hand, has gotten a bit "touchier" (read:  bites!) so I made sure that someone else handled her.  I don't blame her, though, it is tough being little.  

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Standing Witness

I took a few photos of this tree that is overlooking JFK's assasination site and while they were all beautiful, this purposely out of focus one is the way that I imagined it and how I still see it in my mind.  This was a huge oak and I wondered if it could talk, what tale would it tell?  What has it stood to witness? 

*this is a "right out of the camera" photo, although the border is added.