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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Holding Out

This photo was captured the week between Christmas and New Years.  There were four trees.. three were bare.  Kurt and I wondered about this one tree, why it still had a lot of leaves... did it get more light?  Was it more protected from the wind?  Kurt noticed that it's trunk was wider.. so perhaps it was the healthiest/strongest.  In my head (because that's where most of my weird pondering stays thankfully) I thought about hold outs.  Was this tree just being stubborn and fighting against the change of seasons?  Not wanting to let go?  There are people like that..The ones who are afraid of change so they dig in stubbornly trying to fight off the inevitable.. the last ones to leave the party.. Sometimes thats me.  I was probably the last to get a cell phone in my circle of friends.. I still love to play my records.. and despite my kids complaining, I refuse to have a microwave.  But thinking more about my reasoning it occurs to me that it's not fear of change that I'm dragging my feet against.. its the fact that I like to keep it simple... cooking things over a real fire, speaking to people face to face and actually holding the record in my hand and looking at the album cover art are all things that for some have gone along the wayside.. either forgotten or never to be experienced.  What are your hold outs?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Year.. New Me

hahahahaha.. yea right!  sorry, it's just the same ole me.. C'mon.. really??  Hope the New Year is treating you as good as it has been to me.  So far 2012 has been dynamite!  Had an awesome photo shoot with another of my gorgeous nieces (2 down, 3 to go!).  Taylor met Ally and I in the city where we spent an hour plus in a very pungent alley way.. it was worth it tho.. then we drove to SSF to one of the cemeteries.. can't remember which one, but I've photographed there before.  A very beautiful setting to capture the very best of my beautiful niece.  Two pics today, my ultimate favorites from both places.. to see more visit  http:www.allykatfotography.