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Saturday, February 27, 2010


Hi there! Haven't posted in awhile. This is a little happy mistake that I made the other night. Didn't have the flash on and was messing around with the settings on my new camera and this is one of the photos that happened.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Had some Kurt and Kathy time yesterday for about three hours (thank you Jennie and Joaby!) We took the bike to the city and enjoyed the spring-like weather. This is a picture of Chrissy Fields where it got cold and we turned around towards the warmer Mission area...I am having trouble naming this one.. any ideas?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Waiting by the car

I got a new point and shoot and I swear I bought it only because Ashton Kutcher told me to..lol.. how many of us own a Nikon coolpix because of him?? It's on it's way back to BestBuy once my 'other' new camera comes from Amazon, though, it's too slow for me and I do NOT recommend it..(sory AK) ...anyway, I was out with the gals waiting for someone to make a decision about where we were going to go next when I pointed my camera at my friends shadow..

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


These are snowflakes that had hit the window of the tram that I was riding in. The people that were riding with me must have thought I was a bit off as I probably seemed to be taking pictures of nothing...