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Monday, November 22, 2010


Its that time of year again when we look back on all that has past and look with hope towards the coming holidays and beyond.. can't believe that 2010 is almost done! What a great year! We had some rain (thunder and lighting as well) Sat. night and when it was over the city was washed clean and the lights reflecting in the puddles made some interesting photo ops.. Have a lovely Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Couldn't "Leaf" It Alone

It rained today and when it stopped I walked to the gym for a "quickie". As I was walking I looked down and spotted this leaf with the raindrops on it.. so perfect and unique. I had a quick thought that I should go and grab my camera as this was probably a once in a lifetime photo.. at least of this leaf and these drops. I kept walking as I had a workout ahead of me but I couldn't stop thinking about the beauty of this leaf. Of course I walked almost to the gym and then turned back and grabbed my camera and my son (so he could bring my camera back home for me.. instant sherpa!) It was about 4:30 (but really 5:30 due to fall back) and there was just enough light left to get a few snaps. I'm so glad that I took the time to go home to get the camera.. it's the little details in life that most of the time we miss that give us such satisfaction and beauty..

Monday, November 1, 2010

Who wants Candy??!!!

HaPpy HaLLoWeeN!!! How 'sweet' is this family??.. (Rumor has it that Princess Lolly has been working on her lollipop for two days now..)