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Saturday, March 24, 2012

... or you will break

There have been many ups and downs in my life.. as most of us can agree.. life has a way of keeping us on our toes.  In my 20's I was a force to reckon with.. no one was right but me.  I would rather sever a relationship before admitting defeat.  I was obnoxious and single minded.. and I became a mom for the first and second time...  nothing like the feeling of getting your guts ripped out of you (twice) to put life into perspective. As I charged into my 30's I softened a bit... heh heh.. a little bit..  I was still opinionated and staunch in my battles, but when you have two little boys things get messy, don't go as planned and somedays pajamas are your whole wardrobe.  As I eased into my 40's (now mom to number three) I still stand by my convictions but I have a better sense of when to hold and when to fold.  Loss, Gain, Triumph, Love, Hate, Defeat, Sorrow, Grief, Joy, Happiness, Laughter, Tears... through it all we need to bend or we will break.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I haven't posted in almost a month.. it's not like I haven't been thinking about it, it's just that I haven't honestly been inspired by anything that I have captured with my camera, enough to share at least.. until today. (yay!!)  Drove Adam and four of his classmates on a field trip today.. literally drained me of all my energy.. pretty sure the other parents thought I was a bossy bitch.. but I am sure that I was assigned the most rowdy of the group.. including my own.. so who could blame me for trying to keep them from destroying the place?  While they were running around in circles playing tag (aka trying to wear them out before I let them back in my car for the drive home) I was able to rest for a moment by the fountain when I spotted this leaf.  Grabbed a few shots of it.. I really liked the shadows of the ripples..think I see a few faces in there.. do you?