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Friday, June 26, 2009

Thorny Puffs

This technically isn't the best photo I have taken but something about it has stuck with me and I wanted to share it. The wind was blowing pretty hard so it was nearly impossible to get it in focus. I did ask my 14 year old son to hold it not noticing that there were thorns on it. He got stuck pretty bad. oops!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

San Diego Flowers

I almost forgot that I had wanted to post these as part of my San Diego photos! I used my new lens that the boys had given me for Mom's day. It is a selective focus which is why there is fuzziness around the edges. These roses were in a friends garden. If you look closely, there is a bee inside the yellow one.

I love this flower and the way the selective lens throws the surrounding parts out of focus. Again, there is an insect friend on this flower too!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

New Shoes/Old Shoes part 11

This particular pair of shoes caught my eye, as well... I love that this boy thought nothing of showing up to a dance with two different laces on his shoes not to mention that he is wearing skate shoes to a dance where most of the kids have on suits and dress shoes. I also love that his mom didn't raise a stink about it... let the boys be boys i say!

New Shoes/Old Shoes

My son's 8th grade dance was this past Friday night. The girls were all in their finest and the boys, well they were dressed like boys-- some were dressed better than others. The first pair of shoes belongs to a young man who's family rented him a Zoot Suit for the occasion. Have you ever seen one of these? Think over sized and dapper. I particularly liked this pair of shoes.. very fancy...

Monday, June 1, 2009

Street Graffiti

I went to see the Giants play a few weeks ago. We parked a ways out from Pac Bell and on the way back we saw this incredible mural. It was nighttime so I had to use a flash on it. I want to go back and look at it better in the day light. I love seeing the unexpected-- this kind of stuff gets me jazzed!!