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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Hanging up my cleats

I've played softball since I was in high school... geez going on almost 30 years.  I love/hate the game.  I love being outside and the camaraderie but I hate having to be somewhere every Friday night and I hate when I don't do good.  Last night I sucked.  I struck out and I couldn't get the ball out of the in field (hitting).. and I didn't play my usual position (catcher).. I was in the outfield.  I like the outfield ok.. its a chance to do sprints and run like a kid.. but catching is where all the action is at.. the conversations and the interaction between me and Paul, our pitcher, make me totally giddy.  So I had a bad night and seriously thought about not doing this anymore.... but then a teammate of mine asked me to fill in today.. and I responded "But Im hitting like shit".. and she said.. "So What"... and that was all it took.. Let's play ball!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Cabin in the Woods

For a brief week or two Kurt and I and my friend Tamara toyed with the possibility of buying a resort and renovating it... The thought was enticing and our ideas were endless.. Creativity retreats, non-profit camps for under-privileged kids, wedding and corporate events, family reunions... I still feel like it may happen but not for awhile.. My path for now has been chosen and I need to keep going.  This place is a helluva steal $750,000 for 35 acres, 25 cabins, two swimming pools with a concession stand, a two bedroom house and a store with a community/pool hall.. up in Cobb mtn.  So please buy this, get it in working condition and then sell it to me in 10 years.. I will be ready to pull the rip cord then..