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Saturday, December 22, 2012


Christmas is rapidly approaching..and I have mixed feelings about it this year.  We are down two family members...  One almost on the other side of the world and another may as well be that far away.. just as hard to access.  Its gonna be quiet come Christmas morn.. well quieter than usual.. don't forget there is an 8 year old eagerly waiting to tear into his presents and a 17 year old that will be right beside him.  I am wishing for all a very Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart.  Remember to hold close those you love.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Lend me a Helping Limb

Life doesn't always live up to our expectations.. Ha..thats an understatement of the century!  My family has taken a few hits these past few months (years) and it's been a struggle to find the silver lining in the rain clouds.. yet with all that has been going on we still remain strong and solid as ever.  Sorry to be so cryptic, but some things still need to be kept private in this "everybody knows everything about everybody" era.  Art, Music and Photography has helped keep me distracted and sane and able to focus on the day to day celebrations.. like this amazing sky and obnoxiously beautiful tree.. What helps you?  If you don't have an answer.. figure it out.. life is short.. life is hard.. everyone needs a crutch or two.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Mushroom Cloud

Heading down south on 101 yesterday with this big fat cloud up ahead in our horizon.  I had only my phone with me which explains the crappy quality of the picture but I was happy to even have that.  As we got closer to it it went from a mushroom shaped Goomba from Mario and Liugi to a space ship.  I remember a time when I had time to sit and watch the clouds roll by.. creating pictures in the sky and making up stories about them.  It is almost Thanksgiving and Adam and I have off the next 9 days.  If the weather holds for us, I'm going to make sure we exercise our imaginations in this way.  Have a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving with whom
ever you chose as your family for the day.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Facing you..facing me

Witnessed some amazing music last night at The Rickshaw Stop .  Had my camera working overtime as the music combined with images on a screen created some interesting photo ops.  Its been awhile since I've been able to get to a music show.. much needed time out.


Music is what makes you move
Music is what makes you groove
Music can be good or bad depending on how its used
Music can make you choose different clothes to wear
Music can make you change your hair
Music can make you choose new friends
Music can make you want to dance
Music can make you fight
Music can make everything alright
Music can take care of you when your alone
Music can make everything feel like home
Music can harm and take away
Music can make you want to stay
Music is the only friend I have
Music is my mom and dad
Music is what keeps me alive
When I feel like I can't survive Music 


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Under the Boat Ramp

I never really know where I am going to go with these posts until I have uploaded the picture and looked at it for a few moments.  I try to channel the feelings that I had while I was taking the photo and what thoughts the image provokes in me.  This isn't an easily accessible place.. we had to limbo over and under wooden slats to get here.. and crouch along.. not enough room to stand straight up.  But being under here felt safe and mysterious.. a secret place...  

Summer is over now.. we are back to routines and schedules and time crunches.. how I will miss the freedom and aimless days..

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Tree, gather up my thoughts
like the clouds in your branches.
Draw up my soul
like the waters in your root.
In the arteries of your trunk
bring me together.
Through your leaves
breathe out the sky.
by J. Daniel Beaudry

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Love is a Rusty Heart

Its been awhile since I last posted.. deep into summer I am.  Adam and I have had a very busy yet relaxing summer so far and he's about to start bowling camp (yes there is a bowling camp) so I will have some time to myself coming up this week to play with my camera.  This photo was taken in 2009 in Half Moon Bay.  Its a rust pattern on an old car.  I have been going through past images to add to the 50/50 art show that I am participating in at the end of August.  To be fair, I am only doing 25 as I have a partner who is doing the other 25 and we will present as a collaboration... even doing half has been a challenge.  Looking at the images that I have chosen to include there seems to be a common theme... which is.. things are not always what they seem to be. 
.. look once, look twice, and look again..   
beauty is everywhere.. even in a junky rusted out car..

Friday, June 1, 2012

Attack of the 40ft Woman

In Vegas over the weekend.. exploring the Hard Rock Cafe and I stumbled into this scene.. giddy with excitement.. this is by far my favorite..

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Hanging up my cleats

I've played softball since I was in high school... geez going on almost 30 years.  I love/hate the game.  I love being outside and the camaraderie but I hate having to be somewhere every Friday night and I hate when I don't do good.  Last night I sucked.  I struck out and I couldn't get the ball out of the in field (hitting).. and I didn't play my usual position (catcher).. I was in the outfield.  I like the outfield ok.. its a chance to do sprints and run like a kid.. but catching is where all the action is at.. the conversations and the interaction between me and Paul, our pitcher, make me totally giddy.  So I had a bad night and seriously thought about not doing this anymore.... but then a teammate of mine asked me to fill in today.. and I responded "But Im hitting like shit".. and she said.. "So What"... and that was all it took.. Let's play ball!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Cabin in the Woods

For a brief week or two Kurt and I and my friend Tamara toyed with the possibility of buying a resort and renovating it... The thought was enticing and our ideas were endless.. Creativity retreats, non-profit camps for under-privileged kids, wedding and corporate events, family reunions... I still feel like it may happen but not for awhile.. My path for now has been chosen and I need to keep going.  This place is a helluva steal $750,000 for 35 acres, 25 cabins, two swimming pools with a concession stand, a two bedroom house and a store with a community/pool hall.. up in Cobb mtn.  So please buy this, get it in working condition and then sell it to me in 10 years.. I will be ready to pull the rip cord then..

Saturday, March 24, 2012

... or you will break

There have been many ups and downs in my life.. as most of us can agree.. life has a way of keeping us on our toes.  In my 20's I was a force to reckon with.. no one was right but me.  I would rather sever a relationship before admitting defeat.  I was obnoxious and single minded.. and I became a mom for the first and second time...  nothing like the feeling of getting your guts ripped out of you (twice) to put life into perspective. As I charged into my 30's I softened a bit... heh heh.. a little bit..  I was still opinionated and staunch in my battles, but when you have two little boys things get messy, don't go as planned and somedays pajamas are your whole wardrobe.  As I eased into my 40's (now mom to number three) I still stand by my convictions but I have a better sense of when to hold and when to fold.  Loss, Gain, Triumph, Love, Hate, Defeat, Sorrow, Grief, Joy, Happiness, Laughter, Tears... through it all we need to bend or we will break.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I haven't posted in almost a month.. it's not like I haven't been thinking about it, it's just that I haven't honestly been inspired by anything that I have captured with my camera, enough to share at least.. until today. (yay!!)  Drove Adam and four of his classmates on a field trip today.. literally drained me of all my energy.. pretty sure the other parents thought I was a bossy bitch.. but I am sure that I was assigned the most rowdy of the group.. including my own.. so who could blame me for trying to keep them from destroying the place?  While they were running around in circles playing tag (aka trying to wear them out before I let them back in my car for the drive home) I was able to rest for a moment by the fountain when I spotted this leaf.  Grabbed a few shots of it.. I really liked the shadows of the ripples..think I see a few faces in there.. do you?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Who does your dirty work?

Walking around in SF the other night I passed by a laundromat.  Looking in the window I saw this woman cleaning out the lint from the dryers.  As a kid I was always fascinated by the lint in our dryer and liked to scrape my hand over the filter to gather it into a clump.  Being a kid, I never really understood where it came from just that after every load it would be there.  I imagined that if anyone were to ask me what I liked to do I would respond "I like to pick the lint out of the dryer."  I'm laughing now at how ridiculous this sounds but it's true and c'mon, I was probably about 8 or 9 at the time so don't judge.  So, this is what I was thinking as I was looking through the window at this woman... wondering if she has ever thought about the lint in these filters... and does she enjoy her job?  Does she know that somewhere there is a 9 year old dreaming of the perfect job and it is hers?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Holding Out

This photo was captured the week between Christmas and New Years.  There were four trees.. three were bare.  Kurt and I wondered about this one tree, why it still had a lot of leaves... did it get more light?  Was it more protected from the wind?  Kurt noticed that it's trunk was wider.. so perhaps it was the healthiest/strongest.  In my head (because that's where most of my weird pondering stays thankfully) I thought about hold outs.  Was this tree just being stubborn and fighting against the change of seasons?  Not wanting to let go?  There are people like that..The ones who are afraid of change so they dig in stubbornly trying to fight off the inevitable.. the last ones to leave the party.. Sometimes thats me.  I was probably the last to get a cell phone in my circle of friends.. I still love to play my records.. and despite my kids complaining, I refuse to have a microwave.  But thinking more about my reasoning it occurs to me that it's not fear of change that I'm dragging my feet against.. its the fact that I like to keep it simple... cooking things over a real fire, speaking to people face to face and actually holding the record in my hand and looking at the album cover art are all things that for some have gone along the wayside.. either forgotten or never to be experienced.  What are your hold outs?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Year.. New Me

hahahahaha.. yea right!  sorry, it's just the same ole me.. C'mon.. really??  Hope the New Year is treating you as good as it has been to me.  So far 2012 has been dynamite!  Had an awesome photo shoot with another of my gorgeous nieces (2 down, 3 to go!).  Taylor met Ally and I in the city where we spent an hour plus in a very pungent alley way.. it was worth it tho.. then we drove to SSF to one of the cemeteries.. can't remember which one, but I've photographed there before.  A very beautiful setting to capture the very best of my beautiful niece.  Two pics today, my ultimate favorites from both places.. to see more visit  http:www.allykatfotography.