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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Under the Boat Ramp

I never really know where I am going to go with these posts until I have uploaded the picture and looked at it for a few moments.  I try to channel the feelings that I had while I was taking the photo and what thoughts the image provokes in me.  This isn't an easily accessible place.. we had to limbo over and under wooden slats to get here.. and crouch along.. not enough room to stand straight up.  But being under here felt safe and mysterious.. a secret place...  

Summer is over now.. we are back to routines and schedules and time crunches.. how I will miss the freedom and aimless days..

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Tree, gather up my thoughts
like the clouds in your branches.
Draw up my soul
like the waters in your root.
In the arteries of your trunk
bring me together.
Through your leaves
breathe out the sky.
by J. Daniel Beaudry