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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Moon and Two Palm Trees

This was taken on the night that the moon was closest to the earth.. it hasn't been this close in twenty years (or so I was told..). This was taken in Arizona over the weekend. The night was warm and the clouds gave added interest to the sky. I did a few things in photoshop to the original photo to give it a little more "pop"... and I am loving my borders that I finally got back in working order last week..

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

70's magic

This photo was captured in 2009 in Dallas..My most favorite photography is street photography where the images happen in front of me and I am there to bear witness.. the scenes are usually most interesting when there are people involved but it isn't a must. I just love this womans hair and her stance.. so Jackie Brown-ish..

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blue Elephant....

Elephants and Rhinos are the two animals that I have always associated with strength.. for pretty obvious reasons, right? They are large and solidly built... over the past week I realized that strength can come in small forms as well. .. perhaps as an ant that can lift 10 - 50 times its own weight or in the form of my small boned 86 year old mom who fell and broke her neck last week. We were pretty much told to say our good-byes as best as we could and expect the worst. Well, one week later.. she's now moved on to hospice, feeding herself and getting up for short walks.. the strength of my mom has left us all in amazement and awe.. and filled with gratefulness that she is still here with us...
Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes....