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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Now Even Beefier

I was at the stop light on Junipero Serra Blvd. in San Francisco the other day when I spotted this in the opposite lane of traffic. I barely got my camera out of its bag in time to snap this shot as this big hot dog mobile was cookin fast (heh heh). My 4 year old and I were laughing so hard that I barely held the camera steady. Thanks to the guy behind me for not blasting the horn at us when the light turned green....Folks don't try this unless you are a trained professional! (or as in my case, a bit nuts). Have a great week!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Adios Mr. President!

Unless you have had your head in the sand, you could not miss all the ridicule our soon to be past president has had slung his way... some of it, I feel, was deserved. I have always been taught to respect authority and these past 8 years have politically been very uneasy for me- as I am sure for all of you as well. I have been torn between wanting to join the ridicule bandwagon and trying to be supportive of our nations' leader. With that said, take these pictures as you may. I mean no harm, no disrespect. I just found these photo interesting and fitting for saying good bye..

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Beautiful Sadness

"The beauty of the world has two edges, one of laughter, one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder." Virginia Woolf

Sunday, January 4, 2009

reflected image

I was going to get philosophical in regards to this photo but it is the first photo of the year and I will spare you! (lucky you!!) This is a picture of my son and I am reflected in his goggles. Yeah, he is taller than me and I have to say that it is SO WEIRD being shorter than my kid. What was cool about this day was that I was able to ski with both my boys without them plummeting into me and knocking me on my keister. Actually, they both blew by me on their snowboards more than once as I pigeon toed down the hill... good times..
to see more photos scroll down, to visit my website go to kathydodge.com