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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Shoo fly..

Pesky little things that they are.. have you ever really looked closely at how beautiful this bothersome insect can be? Eyes like amber jewels.. body like some fluorescent green metal.. delicate wings.. yes, I know.. it's a fly and we all know what they like to land on.. but take a moment (and try to forget about that for a second or two) and really look closely at it... now try to not see it's beauty the next time one flies into your house..

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sassy Seaside Burlesque

Me and the girls went out last night to Winters - the local bar - to see the burlesque show. The place was packed as you can imagine.. half nekkid girls dancing are always a big draw.. What I liked about this show and these women was their attitudes. Their sex appeal came from within.. the way they carried themselves. They oozed badass - ness ..

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Shadows and reflections

The sun was shining today and the warmth was a welcome respite from the cold and rainy weather we have been having. I understand that there are some crazy snow blizzards happening out there as well - even more reasons to live here in CA. I got inspired today to take photographs and as I was walking around my back and front yards I was struck by this shadow/reflection on the wall made by a wooden window frame and something else that I was unable to identify..???

This second photo is from the back yard..