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Monday, May 31, 2010

The Fungus Amungus

These following two photos are from my trip to the Pinnacles a few weeks back. The colors in person were way prettier and didn't transfer to digital as well (i am thinking about shooting film again..). I decided to apply an "acid" filter on it to desaturate them a bit and to make them more interesting.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Mom's day is so over...

Mom's day has come and went and my flowers that my hubby and boys gave me lasted a pretty long time.. I don't know about you, but I like to keep the flowers around until the petals are practically falling off. Tulips are especially interesting when they start to wilt because they take on such a different look.. so I brought out the camera this saturday and photographed the flowers before I tossed them into the yard.. let me know which ones YOU like..
this one....or this one....
this one.....
or this one...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

thistle while you work....

Took a trip to the pinnacles over the weekend and will be sharing photos from our trip over the next few weeks. I had spied this flower on our way into the park and filed it away in my brain to grab a shot of it on our way out. It was so windy and this flower was moving all over the place.. not to mention that I was standing in the middle of the road in oncoming traffic.. so it is probably not THE best photo I could have gotten of this intriguing plant, it is THE best one that I got at that moment and sometimes that is good enough..

Monday, May 3, 2010


I had to pull over when I saw the sun coming through these trees above the cliff house in SF. Does that ever happen to you? You see something so beautiful that it stops you dead in your tracks? It was like something out of a dream.. so magical that I had to capture it with my camera.. and even then it still pales in comparison to the real thing..