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Sunday, December 18, 2011


It was cold.  It was late.  It was crappy weather.  Any one of these reasons were enough to keep me at home, warm and snugly under my electric blanket, with my favorite 7 year old next to me.  But I had an appointment and I needed to be there.  I was capturing my good friend and her family today for their Christmas cards and I was stoked to be doing so... but the cold, the weather and the time.. !!! As I was driving out to ocean beach I was happy to see the sun breaking through and these amazing clouds.  I texted my gal friend and told her to hurry.. the lighting!!  I got there before her and took a few photos.. this is one of them.  So glad I manned up and headed out today.. otherwise I would've missed this beautiful sight.. which left me wondering what other opportunities have I traded for comfort.. hmm..

Thursday, December 8, 2011


So the 2nd half of the holiday season is upon us.  Im listening to people talk and it seems to me that this Christmas is going to be a tight one for some.  Many are stressed out to the max.. people pepper spraying one another over a deal on t.v.'s.. people flipping each other off.. families torn apart from harsh words.. raw and brutal, like cave people.  Why is this happening?  Have we lost our minds?  our focus?  I honestly don't know.. and I don't have the answer but I'm gonna try my hardest to not be part of the problem.  Peace.. and breathe..